List of variables in book_is.dta NAME LABEL sex Sex status Status at work (according to income survey) schooling_group Years of schooling (grouped) weeks_month Weeks of salaried work in an average month schooling Years of schooling (from 1991) age age, 21 is group of 18-24 hrs_week Habitual weekly work hours, missing is unknown or irregular hours or non-salaried workers that reported zero occ1dold Occupation, OLD classification, 1 digit (until 1994) brnch1dold branch, OLD classification, 1 digit (until 1994) ussr Country of birth is USSR? (from 1991) year Year of survey occ1dnew Occupation, NEW classification, 1 digit (from 1995) weight Household weight origin Continent of birth yeshiva Last school is yeshiva? (from 1988) immigy_group Year of immigration (grouped), missing is unknown until 2000, missing is unknown or Israeli born or Non-Jewish from 2001 brnch1dnew branch, NEW classification, 1 digit (from 1995) sal1997 Real monthly income from salaried work, 1997 prices hour_wage Real hourly wage, 1997 prices Value labels: sex 1 male 2 female 9 error status 1 Salaried worker 2 Self-employed and salaried worker 3 Self-employed 4 Did not work in last 12 months 5 Family member, without pay 6 Did not work in last 3 months 7 Other unemployed 8 Absent from work, without pay schooling_group 0 0 1 1-4 2 5-8 3 9-10 4 11-12 5 13-15 6 16+ age 0 < 15 (until 1998) occ1dold 0 Scientific and Academic Professionals 1 Other Free Professionals, Technicians etc 2 Managers 3 Clerks 4 Sales Workers, Agents etc 5 Service Workers 6 Farm Workers 7 Skilled Workers in Industry, Transportation and Construction 9 Unskilled Workers in Industry, Transportation and Construction brnch1dold 0 Agriculture 1 Industry (Mining, Manufacturing) 3 Electricity and Water 4 Construction 5 Commerce, Restaurants, Hotels 6 Transport, Storage and Communication 7 Financing and Business Services 8 Public and Community Services 9 Personal and Other Services occ1dnew 0 Academic Professionals 1 Associate Professionals and Technicians 2 Managers 3 Clerical Workers 4 Agents, Sales Workers and Service Workers 5 Skilled Agricultural Workers 6 Industry, Construction and Other Skilled Workers 9 Unskilled Workers origin 1 Asia 2 Africa 3 Europe 4 America/Australia 5 Israel, father in Asia 6 Israel, father in Africa 7 Israel, father in Europe 8 Israel, father in America/Australia 9 Israel, father in Israel 10 Israel, father Unknown 11 Unknown 12 Non Jews immigy_group 1 before 1947 2 1948-1954 3 1955-1960 4 1961-1964 5 1965-1971 6 1972-1979 7 1980-1989 8 1990 (until 1996) 9 1991 (until 1996) 10 1992 (until 1995) 11 1993 (until 1995) 12 1994 (until 1995) 13 1995 (until 1995) 14 1990-1991 (from 1997) 15 1992+ (from 1996 until 2000) 16 1992-1994 (from 2001) 17 1995-1997 (from 2001) 18 1998+ (from 2001) 9000 Israeli born (until 2000) 9999 Non-Jewish (until 2000) brnch1dnew 1 A - Agriculture 2 B - Manufacturing 3 C - Electricity and Water Supply 4 D - Construction (Building and Civil Engineering Projects) 5 E - Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles and Personal and Household Goods 6 F - Accommodation Services and Restaurants 7 G - Transport, Storage and Communication 8 H - Banking, Insurance and Other Financial Institutions 9 I - Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities 10 J - Public Administration 11 K - Education 12 L - Health Services and Welfare and Social Work 13 M - Community, Social and Personal and Other Services 14 N - Private Households With Domestic Personnel 15 O - Extra-Territorial Organizations and Bodies Note: Income survey data was provided by the Israel Social Science Data Center (ISDC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The file was created by appending all years from 1988 until 2008. Status, occupation, branch, continent of birth and year of immigration were re-coded to create consistent codes across years. Real income was created using the CPI. Number of observations is 545,751. For a description of the survey and variables see