RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS Career and Family Decisions:
Cohorts born 1935 – 1975 ZVI ECKSTEIN, MICHAEL KEANE and OSNAT
Econometrica, Vol. 87, No. 1, January 2019, pp. 217-253. CPS Data,
variables and sample restriction Data was taken from the Annual Demographic
Surveys (March CPS supplement) conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
and the Bureau of the Census. This survey is the primary source for detailed
information on income and work experience in the United States. A detailed
description of the survey can be found at: https://www.bls.gov/cps/. Our data, for the years
1962-2014, was extracted using the IPUMS. The sample is restricted to white civilian
adults, ignoring armed forces and children. In both section 2 and in estimation we define unmarried as including separated, widowed, divorced and never married. We divided the sample into five
education groups: high school dropouts (HSD), high school graduates (HSG),
individuals with some college (SC), college graduates (CG) and post-college
degree holders (PC). In order to construct the education variable, we use the variable "educ" constructed by IPUMS. Wages are multiplied by 1.75 for top-coded observations until 1995. Nominal wages are deflated
using the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) index from NIPA table 2.3.4
(http://www.bea.gov/national/nipaweb/index.asp). Since wages refer to the previous
year, we use PCE for year t-1 for observations in year t and therefore all
wages are expressed in constant 2009 dollars. In order to construct couples, we kept only heads of households and spouses (i.e. no secondary families were used) and dropped households with more than one male or more than one female. We then merged women and men based on year and household id and dropped problematic couples (with two heads or two spouses, with more than one family or with inconsistent marital status or number of children).
Health Data Data was
taken from the IHIS (integrated health interview series) at
Minnesota. The survey contains a subjective health index that can get 5
values: Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor. We created a new 3 values
variable: Good, Fair and Poor. We then calculated the cumulative distribution
of this new variable by cohort, gender and age, using the following STATA do
Taxes Data The individuals in the model get a gross wage offer, yet, their decisions are based on their net income. After the realization of the wage offer is known, we calculate the household gross income and then calculate the net income of the household, taking into account the tax system in the current year, whether it’s a single household or a couple (we assume married couples jointly pay their taxes).
To simplify the model, we assume full forecast of the tax system. To calculate the net income of the household/individual, we collected historical data from 1950-2017 on the following:
Welfare Data The welfare payment by number of children for single mothers is given by the function Data for Section II: Key Patterns in the
Estimation Results |